Frequently Asked Questions

About us

Who is "Le Tour du Chocolat"?
We are chocolate lovers who want to share the love of fine artisanal chocolate with you. We live in Switzerland and we consider us as explorers and like to travel to the most remote chocolate manufacturers in the world.


How much costs a chocolate subscription?
For the subscription prices: please refer to "Participate" link.

How much is shipping?
The shipment of the chocolate subscriptions within Switzerland costs CHF 2 - If you order additional chocolate, you can retrieve the shipping costs on the website of the Swiss Post:


Is the chocolate offer attractive?
Make your own opinion. You will see that you will love handmade chocolates and feel the difference with industrially produced chocolate as gigantic. Fine cocoa chocolate will never let you go!


How long can I store the chocolate?
About 12 months. When properly stored, up to 18 months.

How do I store chocolate?
Ideal place is the basement. The temperature should never exceed 18 degrees Celsius. The storage area should not contain foreign odors. Cocoa butter absorbs extraneous odors very quickly. Light also attacks the fats contained in cocoa butter and affects thereby altering taste. Leave chocolate in the light-tight packaging. Please DO NOT store chocolate in your fridge. Wine cabinets are the ideal storage place.

Our services

Where do we deliver?
We deliver everywhere.

Can I interrupt my subscription?
You can use your subscription at any time without notice for any reason suspend (if you are on holiday). Interruption messages can be communicated by e-mail.

Can I announce my subscription?
Yes, you can announce your subscription at any time without notice of any reason (via email). We only want happy customers.

When will the chocolate be dispatched?
We will ship the chocolate from Monday to Thursday. On Friday, no shipping will take place. We want to avoid that the chocolate will unnecessarily be tored in a mail distribution center during the weekend. During the hot summer months we study the weather forecast and send them during cooler days.